Why Imperfect Brands Are [Mostly] More Authentic

In our pursuit of sleek, polished brands, have we sacrificed authenticity on the altar of perfection? 

There’s an insidious idea circulating that brands must strive for flawlessness – whether it’s visually immaculate design, perfectly curated social media feeds, or impeccable messaging and imaging. But in striving for this ideal, many brands have lost touch with what truly connects with audiences – vulnerability, relatability, and a sense of the human behind the brand.

Perfect is boring. Perfect is expected. And in a world of relentless marketing messages, perfect simply blends into a sea of sameness. But flaws? Quirks? Endearing imperfections? That’s where true brand personality and memorability reside.

Companies like Odd Bunch, transforming imperfect, oddly-shaped, or surplus fruits and vegetables into their unique selling proposition, showcase the power of embracing imperfections to establish connections. Ugly Duck Preserves utilise quirky, tongue-in-cheek messaging and visuals that celebrate the brand’s peculiar charm, resonating with a similarly inclined audience.

Companies that openly address shortcomings, confront challenges, or navigate controversies with sincere and relatable communication can foster stronger connections with their audience. Take, for instance, how Weet-Bix addressed criticisms about their lack of product diversity by introducing new flavours, a stance that may not align with everyone but emphasises their commitment to listening to customer feedback.

It’s time for brands to shed the desperate pursuit of an impossible and generic perfection. The greatest connections come from being imperfectly human - celebrating quirks, tackling flaws head on, and allowing a distinct personality to show through in all you do. 

After all, what’s better than perfection? Authenticity.


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